As someone who struggled to express myself for the better part of my life, the idea of starting a podcast and using my voice was terrifying. From afar that is.
As with most fears, the actual experience is rarely as bad as our mind thought it would be.

So here I am, with a voice to share with this world: The Journey Podcast
The premise of the podcast is simple. Bring on experts to talk about a specific topic, as well as amazing people that I have somehow connected with while on my spiritual journey.

As I re-listen to the first few episodes, I cringe slightly at the sound of my own voice, my hesitations, my stalling, and anything else my inner judge can pick on. But I’m glad I decided to carry on, because by pushing through, I can see and hear myself establishing a new relationship with my voice. And that was the whole point.

I hope you enjoy the conversations!





    Episode 55: Lose your Identity, Follow your Purpose, with Daniel Kudish

    (aired Dec. 2021)

  • Something new every week

    Episode 87: Very personal Journeys with Daniel Kudish

    (aired Nov. 2021)

  • Focused Photographer

    Episode 18: Work/Life Balance: Designing a life that brings you joy with Daniel Kudish

    (aired Nov. 2021)

  • Shine + Thrive

    Episode 48: Trusting in the Journey + Mindfulness with Daniel Kudish

    (aired Jan. 2021)

  • Business as an adventure

    Finding harmony in business and life with Daniel Kudish

    (aired Dec. 2020)